Rachel Hauge Coaching:
Career Mindset Coaching For Women

Do any of these sound like you?

  • I’m starting a new job that I was excited to take, but now I’m freaking out and feel like I’m in over my head. Everyday I’m constantly thinking that I’m messing up. Even on my weekends when I’m not working, my brain is buzzing with all of the things I should have done differently. 

  • I was burnt out and changed industries to be less stressed, but I’m feeling just as worn out as I was before. This wasn’t how this was supposed to go and I dread opening my laptop every morning.  

  • I got a promotion and I’m excited to finally be the one in charge, but I’m always second guessing if I’m doing the right thing and how it’s all on my shoulders to make it work.

You’re anxious or overwhelmed or frustrated, and you just want it to be different.

So you try to figure out what the problem is, where are these feelings coming from?

Do I need to work on a different team? Do I need to quit my job? Do I need to go back to school?

You look for the solution outside of you first, but as a coach I can help you start with the solutions that you already have, which is the ability to change how you think.

And not in a woo-woo, “high vibes” sense - but in a practical, grounded approach that is rooted in curiosity and compassion.

  • Coaching is a conversation! We use questions rooted in curiosity and compassion to understand your thoughts and beliefs.

    The framework I use is called causal coaching, Our brain is a meaning making machine and in a coaching session we ask your brain questions so we can clearly see the meaning that you are operating from, the feelings that are created from that meaning and how that feeling drives how you show up in your life. From there we actively engage with your brain to decide which meaning we want to keep and which meaning we want to change.

  • What can coaching help you change?

    More emotional resilience

    Less waking up in the night anxious about the day ahead

    No more ruminating on work during your personal time

    More able to take breaks during the day without guilt

    No more ‘I just need to check this one email’

    Better relationships with your co-workers

    Less dependent on your boss to validate you description

  • Anyone with a a brain can benefit from coaching.

    I teach women the tools to navigate their careers with more confidence and less stress.

  • $100 for a 30 minute session

    All sessions are held via Zoom

I use curiosity, humor and non-judgemental inquiry to teach women the tools to improve their relationships with themselves and their careers so that they can enjoy their lives without spending their free time thinking about work.

I’ve been a professional opera singer, a creative agency producer and now a coach. I know what it is like to feel the dread of opening your laptop in the morning or to leave a meeting with your boss with your head spinning. And I know it can be different.

Book your complimentary consult call now to learn more about how we can work together.